Statistics By Season
Season | Team | # | GB | G | A | GA | S | FO |
Season2010 | Team University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point | #1 | GB7 | G3 | A2 | GA0 | S0 | FO3 - 0 |
2010 Player Statistics By Game
Date | Opponent | Result | GB | G | A | GA | S |
Date02/20/2010 | Opponent Hope College | ResultL 4-19 | GB3 | G1 | A2 | GA0 | S0 |
Date02/27/2010 | Opponent @ Iowa State | ResultL 4-8 | GB0 | G1 | A0 | GA0 | S0 |
Date02/28/2010 | Opponent @ Minnesota | ResultL 2-24 | GB0 | G0 | A0 | GA0 | S0 |
Date04/11/2010 | Opponent University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee | ResultL 6-16 | GB2 | G0 | A0 | GA0 | S0 |
Date04/10/2010 | Opponent @ Marquette University | ResultL 5-20 | GB2 | G1 | A0 | GA0 | S0 |